Having a Vision and Hoping for Resource

It’s a dilemma many of us in community work face, seeing what could be but living with the reality of limited finance, resource and people power. We get creative, we have to be frugal and we spend a lot of time hoping or praying. We also celebrate those that get what they need for their services but grieve for the people we long to help.

A Vision doesn’t go away just because money doesn’t come. At Streetlevel we have seen a number of things happen, quite miraculously at times. From small things like running out of paper cups (which we use ALOT!) and then the next day having 30 000 donated for no reason. We have seen finance come through, donations come at the right time and be exactly what we need. In our community Prayer certainly works, but we also live with a daily struggle.

Currently all community services are facing the reality that our funding might be cut. No longer being able to assist those in need, for some non Salvo services that fate has already passed and they have closed their doors after many years of serving the community. We are living in Limbo land, hoping that we are a survivor of this funding round, but the reality is even if we get funding the parameters have changed.

We can’t completely control these parameters, as they are government set but we can still offer something extra with our service. They can’t change that! No one likes to live in Limbo yet it is such a reminder that so many people who are affected by injustice live in limbo everyday; refugees awaiting asylum, women fleeing violence and families trying to make ends meat to feed their kids, not knowing if it is going to happen.

So what am I really trying to say? Well, its a tough season in community work. The need is greater, the money less and it can seem like injustice is winning. I am reminded of a CS lewis quote, “good and evil increase at compound interest. The decisions you and I make everyday are of infinite importance.” Today I am choosing not to let the Vision fade, but continue to make decisions that bring what we do closer to that vision, even if it is small it is closer than what we were yesterday. Plus we keep praying – you never know what might happen, 30 000 of something else?

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